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Czy ktos moglby cos zarekomendowac?

Oto jego slowa:

„Do tej pory uzywalem Front Page do amatorskiego budowania mojej strony
Chcialbym sie przestawic na bardziej up-to-date sposob budowania tej strony.
Podstawowe pytania sa dwa;
1. Jaki bylby najlepszy sposob (program?) dla laika takiego jak ja by budowac dodatkowe galerie i dodawac „content” do moje strony w bardziej „compliant” sposob?
2. Poszukuje pomocy (platnej) od fachowca by „translate” istniejaca strone w wybrany nowy program tak by zachowac z grubsza tej strony wyglad i funkcjonalnosc?

Mainframe Developer Wanted – NJ

Pozdrawiam serdecznie i podsylam list, ktory dostalem dzisiaj.


—–Original Message—–

From: Mary Jane Adams-Byrd []
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: Mainframe Developer Wanted – NJ


My name is Mary Jane and I am a Senior Technical Recruiter at Princeton Information, a IT consulting firm.   I came across your resume and I’m currently sourcing people for that are Mainframe Developers.  If you feel the details of this opportunity does not align with your ideal position, please respond with a description of your ideal position and I will begin a custom search for you!  If you or anyone you know may be interested in opportunities with Princeton Information, please feel free to contact me via email or phone at your earliest convenience. I look forward to speaking with you soon.  If you are interested in these opportunities, please email me your resume directly and not to the link below.

This position is located in Pennington, NJ.

A major financial services firm is looking for 2 Mainframe Cobol Developers very experienced with DB2 & CICS. These are long term contract assignments working out of their Pennington NJ location.

Thank you,
Mary Jane Adams-Byrd


Thanks again.

Mary Jane


Princeton Information

100 Harborside Financial Center, 11th Floor

Jersey City, NJ 07311


Solo (Autocross) – Divisional Champioships at Meadowlands

Serdecznie zapraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych sportami motorowymi. W zlocie bedzie bralo udzial sporo kierowcow i przeroznych samochodow z polnocno-wschodnich Stanow Zjednoczonych. Impreza bedzie w najblizsza sobote i niedziele (testowanie i przygotowania juz w piatek) na Meadowlands:
Szczegoly  mozna znalezc pod linkiem:
Bedzie mozna takze zobaczyc ten samochod z polsko-amerykanska zaloga dwoch kierowcow 😉

Maciek S.