Polski programista pomógł wystrzelić Falcon Heavy

Drodzy koledzy , kolezanki!
Mysle, ze warto wiedziec, ze Polacy sa na prawde dobrze wyksztalcenia i dobrze sobie radza w kazdym zakatku swiata – nawet w tzw. „Ameryce”.

To jest syn mojego pierwszego kierownika gdzie pracowalem jako programista w Hucie Stalowa Wola, zaraz po studiach. Klemens Czajka to czlowiek ktory nauczyl mnie naprawde bardzo duzo, i to nie tylko w zakresie programowania, ale w spojrzeniu na programowanie, projektowanie. Mysle, ze byl on tym co utwierdzil mnie w tym, ze moze kierunek „informatyka”, to nie byl glupi wybor. Poza tym w czasach tzw. komunizmu/socjalizmu ocalil nam w sekcji zwanej „place” zycie, bo gdy pojawili sie „smutni panowie z Warszawy” z podejzeniem sabotazu przy generowaniu listy plac, to spedzil on 3 dni analizujac programy, dyski, zapisy z systemu udawadniajac, ze to nie byl blad progamistow, ale po prostu zepsuty dysk, i IBM programowanie nie bylo w stanie wykryc bledu. Po prostu niesamowita jego wiedza i intuicja pozwolila na wykrycie bledu w tamtych dawnych trudnych czasach. Dzisiaj w wiekszosci ludzie nie bede nawet rozumieli o czym mowie. Prosze mnie zle nie zrozumiec, ja nawet nie jestem w 50% blizej tego co Klemens Czajka byl w stanie zrobic, a juz nawet nie porownuje sie do jego syna Tomasza. Ja po prostu chcialem na forum Ipolskich informatykow podziekowac mu i zarazem zwrocic uwage na to, ze na prawde mamy zdolna mlodziez.

Pozdrawiam i zycze wszystkiego najlepszego,


Może ktoś jest zainteresowany – .NET

Firma w której pracuje jest skłonna do zatrudnienia paru programistów .Net. Jeżeli to kogoś interesuje proszę o kontakt ze mną. Wymagania poniżej:

Job Title: Senior Software Engineer – .NET

At NRT LLC., we are transforming our technology platforms to compete in the fast-moving market place of real estate.  We are delivering on our company philosophy of “We Server Agents”, by making our systems flexible to the ever-changing needs, open so that data and services can be leveraged in the enterprise and beyond as well as insightful to gain that edge we need to remain #1.

What we’re looking for:

Your skills as a seasoned software engineer using the Microsoft and Open Source stacks have prepared you to take the next step in your career.  You are eager to face challenging problems in both green and brown field projects where you can use your experience and leadership to make great software.  You eat legacy integrations for breakfast and you are looking to put the best of software engineering patterns and practices to work.  No doubt you are comfortable coding on your own, but you also thrive on team contribution and reaching a goal collaboratively.  Others have commented on your code as being readable and logically laid out.  You understand and consistently use healthy communication approaches to stay in sync with Product Owners, Story Authors and Quality Engineers.  When it is time for the release train to leave the station, you are a consistent contributor of high quality deliverables that make it to production.  And of course, you are looking for every way to learn even more of your craft.

What you’ll do:

At NRT LLC., you will play a key role in building the next generation platform that will drive the world of real estate in North America and around the world.  You’ll turn requirements into clean, scalable, and efficient back-end services. You’ll work with software engineering, front-end engineering, product management, and QA teams on a daily basis to design, test, and deliver first-rate, functional software. You’ll learn a little something new every day – and that’s something you look forward to.

Basic Requirements you should have:

  • BS in Computer Science or related field
  • 7+ years of years of experience software development experience
  • 5+ years’ experience and advanced knowledge of enterprise Agile software development methodology and techniques
  • Demonstrated ability to design and deliver microservices
  • Proficiency with SPA, MVC, ORM and SOLID programming patterns.  Your experience with ASP.NET, .NET Core, Angular JS, Bootstrap, C#, jQuery, JSON, LINQ, WCF, Web API, REST, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Entity Framework, SQL Server would be indications of this.
  • Ability to work quickly with an eye towards writing clean, efficient, reusable code
  • Experience in Azure cloud development
  • Experience in CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) practices highly desired
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to work in a collaborative environment
  • Strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit