Jeżeli ktoś jest zainteresowany proszę się skontaktować z Kaleigh bezpośrednio i powołać się na mnie.
From: Reid, Kaleigh []
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 9:21 AM
Subject: .Net Position
Hi Kris,
I just left you a message. George has a .Net position that will be opening up in his group soon at Merrill Lynch. I wanted to get your thoughts on whether you would be interested yourself or if you know anyone that may be a fit. I know that you are not actively looking but I wanted to bring it to your attention. Let me know your thoughts. My direct line is 610-230-3409.
Kaleigh (Reid) Maylie | Account Recruiting Manager
T 610-230-3409 | |
888-448-8818 | F 610-230-3890
100 Matsonford Rd., Bdlg. 3, Suite 210, Radnor PA, 19087