Pozdrawiam serdecznie i przesylam informacje, ktora otrzymalem dzisiaj,
moze ktos bedzie zainteresowany.
PS. Nie znam James’a, pracowalem dla Princeton Information przez rok, nie narzekalem, byli ok.
—–Original Message—–
From: James Lew [mailto:james.lew@princetoninformation.com]
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 4:34 PM
Subject: Mainframe Developer Role in Pennington, NJ – 13-04780
I wasn’t sure if you were in the market at this time, but I thought you or someone you know might be interested in a Consultant position I have available in the Pennington, NJ area. I would appreciate any insight or thoughts on this project that you might have based on the description below.
Please do keep me in mind for future projects if you are not interested at this time. I look forward to working with you…
This position is located in PENNINGTON, NJ. Minimum of 10 years of experience, in coding, testing and Production implementation in Mainframe using DB2, COBOL and related tools. Expertise in Margin Business will be an advantage.
Financial experience a plus
Perform a variety of COBOL programming assignments requiring knowledge of established programming procedures and data processing requirements. Maintain and modify programs. Code, test in all the available test environments and troubleshoot programs utilizing the appropriate hardware, DB2 database, Vsam, CICS and COBOL programming. Refine data and format final product. Maintain and modify programs; make approved changes by amending programs, develop detailed programming logic, and coding changes. Test and develop programming modifications. Provide 24 X 7 production support as and when need arises. Write new program code using prescribed specifications. Evaluate simple interrelationships between programs such as whether a contemplated change in one part of a program would cause unwanted results in a related part. Analyze performance of programs and take action to correct deficiencies based on consultation with users and approval of supervisor. Confer with users to gain understanding of needed changes or modifications of existing programs. Resolve questions of program intent, data input, output requirements, and inclusion of internal checks and controls. Write and maintain programming documentation. Analyze Mainframe and micro-computer based software solutions compatibility with company requirements. Maintain confidentiality with regard to the information being processed, stored or accessed. Document programming problems and resolutions for future reference. Assist personnel of other departments as a computer resource. .
Thank you,
James Lew
If you are not currently seeking employment, or if you would prefer I contact you at some later date, please indicate your date of availability so that I may honor your request. In any event, I respectfully recommend you continue to avail yourself to the employment options and job market information we provide with our e-mail notices.
Thanks again.
Princeton Information
100 Harborside Financial Center, 11th Floor
Jersey City, NJ 07311