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—–Original Message—–
From: Taylor [mailto:taylor@telecommsoftware.com]
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2018 4:46 PM
To: Roman Lukasik
Subject: mainframe Developer (- Contract NJ) (#118-MH988)
Hi Roman,
New Role: Mainframe Developer
for a top tier investment Bank in Weehawken NJ
RATE $520 w2
(C2C rate is also available but NO 3RD PARTIES)
Looking for someone with mainframe development background with knowledge of integrating with distributed systems. For Investment Products and Retirement Services Technology team supporting several lines of businesses including Insurance, Annuities, Mutual Funds, and Alternative Investments. platforms.You have:
– 6+ years of experience in developing solutions supporting the Financial Services industry
– large-scale enterprise, mainframe batch and online design experience
– knowledge of mainframe computing and low-latency, concurrent, re-entrant and batch solutions
– understand relational database design and Structured Query Language performance tuning
– fluent in COBOL, JCL, VSAM, DB2, CICS, Stored Procedures, MQSeries
– familiar with distributed technologies (i.e. Java, XML/JSON, Web Services)
Taylor Smith
from the desk of Scott
Technical Recruiter
(If interested, please reply with contact number and best time to call;
For submittal to these roles I need the following asap:
Full Legal Name:
H1 /Greencard status: (if H1, No Third Parties please, only H1 willing to transfer H1 are eligible)
Month and day of birthdate (not year)
Rate $555 c2c /$510 w2 This is a daily rate
Taylor Smith
Technical Recruiter
Phone (516) 232-2481