
W firmie w ktorej pracuje pojawily sie ostatnio trzy pozycje dla programistow z wymaganiem znajomosci Perl.
Grupa do ktorej szukaja ludzi jest ulokowana po czesci w NYC downtown i w Oakland, California.
Jezeli kogos to interesuje i chcialby poznac szczegoly, to prosze o kontakt.


Tomek J

Sterownik do podlewania trawników

Przesylam w imieniu mojego kolegi Bartka.
Wiem, że niektorzy komputerowcy posiadają trawniki i przypuszczam, ze niektórzy nawet je podlewają (Andrzej???).

It’s finally happened: our product, the netAQUA has launched! My good friend Mark Rosen and I are very proud of this milestone. We have been working on the netAQUA for a number of years, and it’s great to finally get to this stage. We’ve started our marketing effort on kickstarter, a crowd-funding website where the netAQUA is available for pre-order. Here’s top level description of the product; you can see many more details on the kickstarter website (

“The netAQUA is unlike any other irrigation controller that you may have come across. It is easy to use, intelligent, accessible worldwide for remote control, and able to harness the power of environmental sensors and Internet weather stations for automation. Gone are the confusing dials and buttons, and the associated limited functionality of the traditional controller. The netAQUA replaces these with a sleek graphic interface for your computer, tablet or smartphone. Plus, for those moments when you don’t have a web-enabled device, the netAQUA also has an intuitive menu-driven local LCD interface. It is environmentally hardened so that it is equally effective indoors and out. The netAQUA gives you an unprecedented level of control over your irrigation system, and a high degree of automation as well, all adding up to an environmentally conscious product that saves both water and money.”

I really need your help to spread the word. Success on kickstarter depends on getting people to know about the “project” so that we reach and surpass our funding goals within 35 days. E-mail and social websites such as Facebook are some of the best ways to reach a lot of people if everyone participates. You can imagine if all of my friends let all of their friends know about this, then all of their friends, and so forth, we can reach thousands. So please, here is what we would appreciate you doing: let all of your friends know via e-mail, Facebook, and other social media outlets, visit the facebook product page ( and “like” it, and, of course, do let me know what you think about the product.

Thank you so much i pozdrawiam!