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From: Douglas, Matthew []
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:19 AM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: 6-12 month contract opportunity in Princeton, .Net with Oracle on the back end. Please let me know if you know anyone.
Work Summary
The candidate filling this Software Developer – Senior position will be part of a talented team programming EDM TOMS, a web based statistical analysis system as well as workforce related initiatives that are currently ongoing. Working in an iterative fashion with other developers, embedded user experience and testing team members, the developer will build an based website that will meet or exceed client expectations. The site needs to be usable from all mainstream web browsers, including Safari on the iPad, and be Section 508 compatible.Responsibilities
§ Coding and integrating custom controls using web form technology in Visual Studio 2010
§ Coding web pages to run across all mainstream web browsers
§ Integrating their code with code from other developers including debugging
§ Writing solid unit test cases for all code committed to source control.
§ Participating in a group development effort including checking code in and out of source control
§ Participating in daily standup meetings as the team will be using an iterative development process.
§ Demonstrating strong problem solving ability, logic, and analytical skills.
§ Interacting with other members of the development team and software testing
§ Strong written and oral communication skills are a must.
§ Maintaining team spirit and a positive attitude.
§ Performing comprehensive preliminary testing and producing all entrance criteria documentation required to promote products under development to Software Test.Experience, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
§ The ideal candidate must have at least 5 -10 years of progressively diverse analysis, development, and testing experience using .net Web technologies. The person must demonstrate strong knowledge and experience with the responsibilities outlined above. The candidates must have demonstrable experience with technologies listed below.
§ Extensive experience with web forms and composite controls with strong Ajax and javascript skills are all mandatory.
§ Extensive C# experience is mandatory
§ Practical experience with complying with Section 508 requirements for web development is highly desired.
§ Experience developing applications using multiple programming/scripting languages.
§ Experience developing applications
§ Experience in cross browser development.
§ Experience with HTML5 is a plus.
§ Experience with using the Rad controls from Telerik is a plus
§ Any experience using Oracle and PL/SQL is a plus.
§ Experience with SVN is a plus.
§ Good interpersonal skills in order to interact with clients, technical staff, and third parties.
§ Experience working closely with business analysts, testers and product owners in an iterative development environmentKnowledge, Skills, and Abilities
§ 5+ years experience of programming with c#
§ 5+ years experience developing/reusing custom controls for
§ 5+ years HTML/CSS/javascript/jQuery experience
§ Bachelors degree
§ Demonstrated practical experience in developing Section 508 compatible websites
§ Microsoft certification is a plus
§ Telerik Controls for Ajax is a plus
§ Experience with Oracle 11g and PL/SQL
A Bachelors degree with extensive coursework in Computer Science or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired is necessary. |
Additional Information:
The Automated scoring and New Product Development group – scoring for various workforce readiness projects. These tests are used by corporations to see if employees are ready for the next level of promotion or has the desired skills for a new position within the organization. |
Work Environment:
Company Overview:
Founded in 1947, ETS is a non-profit organization that advances quality and equity in education for people worldwide by creating assessments based on rigorous research. ETS develops, administers and scores more than 50 million tests annually in more than 180 countries, at 9,000+ locations worldwide. In addition to assessments, we conduct educational research, analysis and policy studies and develop a variety of customized services and products for teacher certification, English language learning and elementary, secondary and postsecondary education. Worldwide employees are 2500 in 9 offices. |
Interview Information:
Meet with Rick and Tarun Batra, Lead BSA.Interview Focus for analyst position:
§ Personality match will be key. The group is laid back and casual.
§ Candidate should be able to articulate his/her documentation skills, ability to work with developers, as well as, business stakeholders.
§ Explain the most complex system you’ve analyzed
§ Step the team through the steps you would follow to write UI software component specifications.
§ Conversational in nature; situational questions…how do you deal with a difficult developer?; what questions do you ask the business to define their needs?
§ The team may ask questions about their technical environments in the past, especially if they have worked with Java and/or PowerBuilder. |
Who is the Internal/External Customer:
Large corporations who are purchasing ETS’ service of testing their employees. |
Matthew Douglas |Recruiter
T 610-230-3821 | |
888-448-8818 | F 610-230-3890
100 Matsonford Rd, BLDG 3, Suite 210Radnor PA, 19087 |
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